Our Goal: Enable everyone an opportunity to explore their faith and deepen their knowledge & understanding of God's word.

We believe the "Way of Life taught by Jesus Christ" is a lifelong spiritual endeavor. We also believe that it is important for you to walk the journey with others and share what you have learned along the way. There are many opportunities for Christians of all ages to come together in a safe and nurturing learning environment. Everyone is welcome to participate, whether they are a member of our church or any other.

2024-2025 Registration Open!

We are excited to be a part of your family's faith journey-learning, serving, growing and playing together! Whether you're a seasoned attendee or brand new to Sunday School, we eagerly anticipate journeying with you as we grow in knowledge, compassion, and love. Come, be part of something truly special!

Register here

If you have any questions, please contact Morgan Tone at morgan@parkridgecommunitychurch.org

Sunday School

PRCC offers a Sunday School program with classes divided by grade level and taught by trained volunteers from the congregation. At the center of all our teaching is the assurance that they are loved, they are seen, and listened to— they are all wonderfully made in Christ! Throughout the year, the children in Sunday school are involved in various mission and outreach projects that reflect lessons learned in the classroom. 


On Sundays during the school year, classes for children, preschool through 5th grade meet in their designated classrooms in the Sunday School wing. For the first 15 minutes of the 10:00 AM worship service, the children remain with their family.  

After the Children's message, they are dismissed to join their teachers for music time and class. Classes run until the end of the worship service. A parent is required to meet their young children in the classroom at the end of each class.

Sunday School Music

After dismissal from the 10:00 AM service, the younger children meet for 15 minutes of music time led by Staff Members from our Music Ministry. There they will learn songs that match the Bible story lesson of the day. These songs are frequently included in the regular worship service or in special events like the Christmas pageant.

  • Special Needs

    We are committed to welcoming all children and for providing assistance to children with special needs. If your child requires special assistance to attend or participate, please let us know. Adapted lessons can offer a meaningful journey of faith for children with a broad range of physical and mental abilities.


    Social buddies and aides are available for children and families to provide adults and caregivers respite and spiritual renewal. We welcome every member of our faith family to participate. 

  • Safe Sanctuaries

    Park Ridge Community Church is committed to a safe and secure environment for everyone and has implemented policies to ensure our children’s safety. Anyone over 18 years of age who works with children has undergone a background check. It is PRCC policy that no adult be left alone with a minor. During Sunday school, classroom doors remain open and adults are located in hallways as monitors in case a classroom does not have two adults present. All of our volunteers take part in an annual review of our Safe Sanctuaries policy.

  • Christmas Pageant

    Our beloved Christmas Pageant takes place during the 10 AM worship service in mid-December. Children preschool through high school are invited to participate by singing or speaking, and each will wear a fabulous costume! Even babies and toddlers have a part to play, as cherubs carried into the Sanctuary by teen angels. There is room for everyone at this inn! 


    An important rehearsal takes place the morning of Saturday before the pageant. Songs will be rehearsed during regular music time during November and December.

  • My Communion

    My Communion Class is a three-week class to prepare children in second grade and older for their first communion. All are welcome to take communion in our church regardless of age, but this class better helps children understand the significance and meaning of this sacrament.

  • My Bible

    My Bible is an eight-week course for third graders (and older) that teaches children how to use the Bible as an essential tool of their faith. Participants are given their own Bibles on the first day of the class to read and take notes on Scripture passages as we walk through them during the eight week course.

    They are officially presented with their Bibles during a Sunday service at the conclusion of the class. My Bible class meets during regular Sunday School time at the 10:00 AM Sunday worship service.

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