We celebrate unity in Christ and diversity in faith in our worship by... 


  • Living the lessons of Christ... all day... everyday.... everywhere
  • Expanding our minds to better understand God's great diversity in the world
  • Equipping one and other for ministry and congregational self-governance


  • Stretching upward in faith, outward in empathy & inward in spiritual development
  • Multiplying our congregation's impact and outreach 
  • Nurturing individual, family, and community needs   


  • Welcoming all, loving all, and seeking justice for all
  • Being a beacon of God's grace in the community
  • Encouraging individuals to better our world


  • Elevating our heart, mind, and spirit through worship, music, & activities
  • Discovering opportunities for intergenerational fun using God's gifts
  • Cherishing our spirit of friendly fellowship... unwavering for nearly two centuries

Theological Position of the Church

Our church is a fellowship of Christians having a wide variety of religious backgrounds. As such, members bring an array of theologies with them. The congregation demonstrates respect for each individual’s understanding of God and his or her creation and salvation. This variety of viewpoints is summed up in our Statement of Purpose.

Statement of Purpose

Park Ridge Community Church affirms all people are made in the image of God and are worthy of God’s love and grace. With God’s help, we covenant to accept one another in diversity of faith and love, seeking to promote a sense of belonging for all — to be a place for the whole person to feel both fully known and safe. 


This church values the richness of the world around us, in our congregation, and in our staff. We celebrate the participation and contributions of people of all ages; races and ethnicities; sexual orientations; gender identities and expressions; economic circumstances; family structures; physical, cognitive and emotional abilities; and faith traditions.


We commit to the ongoing work of being a church journeying together to deepen our understanding of the nature of God’s love and to fulfill our responsibility to embody the Christ Spirit in the world.

This Statement serves as a spiritual guidepost for those undertaking their journey of faith at Park Ridge Community Church.